Early Start

You will notice that we are announcing the contest earlier this year. The intention is to encourage more Schools, Teachers, and Students to participate in the contest. We also encourage greater participation in all 5 categories of French education in the province.

• Core French
• Early French Immersion
• Mid French Immersion
• Late French Immersion
• Francophone

Everyone should know that there is a spot for them to compete, regardless of the French program they are in. Core French students compete with Core French student, Early French Immersions students with Early French Immersions students, and so on. However, Canadian Parents for French Prince Edward Island wants to provide more support for students…

Workshops will go over skills to master:

  • Vocal Expression
  • Coherence
  • Language
  • Physical Presentation

Mentorship Program 

Alexandre Matte is offering a series of workshops to support students and their speeches for the concours d’art oratoire 2024 provincial competition.

Workshops will go over skills to master Vocal Expression, Coherence, Language, and Physical Presentation.

After many years of public speaking training, Alexandre Matte, recipient of the Storytellers of Canada Emerging Storyteller Award, became a professional storyteller in 2020. He started his career by sharing a tale inspired by his Grand-Maman’s family recipe.

Multiple times decorated at the International Speech Contest, Alexandre finished 2nd place in the World Championship of Public Speaking in 2022, out of 30,000 contestants. He is often invited to events to share stories and expertise globally. As a speaking coach, Alexandre guides his clients to improve their presentation skills. Additionally, he co-hosts the weekly GREAT CONVOS Podcast with Roger Caesar, another champion speaker.

Specialising in storytelling for young audiences, Alexandre travels all over Canada to help thousands of children and teenagers discover the art and power of storytelling. In 2022, he delivered an online presentation for 16 French immersion schools in Newfoundland and Labrador. The following year, he embarked on a provincial tour, conducting 56 presentations, workshops, and performances in 32 schools.

While offering fictional stories for children, Alexandre delves into personal narratives for adolescents and adults, instigating a tangible impact and inspiring action.

Internationally acclaimed for captivating workshops and lectures, Alexandre can transport you through time and space with his stories. In his daily life, he practices the art of storytelling with his most demanding audience – his three daughters aged three to eleven.

Après plusieurs années de formation en parole publique, Alexandre Matte, récipiendaire de la bourse pour conteur de la relève de Conteurs du Canada, est devenu conteur professionnel en 2020. Il a amorcé sa carrière en partageant une histoire inspirée d’une recette familiale de sa Grand-Maman.

Plusieurs fois distingué au Concours international de discours, Alexandre a remporté la deuxième place au Championnat mondial de la parole publique en 2022, parmi 30 000 concurrents. Il est souvent invité à des événements pour partager ses récits et son expertise avec des publics du monde entier. En tant que coach d’art oratoire, Alexandre aide ses clients à améliorer leur efficacité en présentations. Il coanime le podcast hebdomadaire GREAT CONVOS avec Roger Caesar, un autre orateur champion.

Spécialisé dans les contes pour jeunes publics, Alexandre visite des écoles à travers le Canada, faisant découvrir l’art du conte aux enfants et aux jeunes tout en contribuant à la construction identitaire des élèves francophones. En 2022, il a offert une présentation en ligne pour 16 écoles d’immersion française de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador. L’année suivante, il a fait une tournée provinciale, donnant 56 présentations, ateliers et spectacles, dans 32 écoles.

Pour les enfants, Alexandre propose surtout des récits fictifs, mais pour les adolescents et les adultes, il s’engage davantage dans les contes vécus, suscitant un impact réel et motivant l’auditoire à l’action.

Reconnu à l’échelle internationale pour ses formations et conférences captivantes, Alexandre peut vous transporter dans le temps et l’espace avec ses contes. Au quotidien, il pratique l’art du conte avec son public le plus difficile, ses trois filles âgées de trois à onze ans.

Early Start! Train to speak like an FSL champion!

There are 7 sessions and are pre-recorded and are presented in French. A Q&A will be offered leading up to the deadline for applications on March 29, 2024.

All modules are available! 

Once registered a link will be provided by email to access the modules

Workshops and Resources

Thankyou to our education sponsors!